
Some Tips On How To Avoid Lice On Our Children’s Heads?

If we want to avoid lice on our children’s heads (or ours), the first thing is prevention. Do not wait for the child’s (or adult’s) head-scratching gesture to do a review. Because this is one of the keys to ending the problem: catch it in time. The sooner they are attacked, the faster and more effective their eradication is said by Lice Doctors Gainesville, FL.

But neither is it necessary to do the treatment if there are no lice, nor to make indiscriminate use of all the insecticides on hand without strictly following the systemic treatment recommended by the health authorities. That is precisely what leads lice to become resistant to certain chemicals, especially permethrin, and what would explain the ineffectiveness of some treatments with that base.


The key is prevention; heads must be checked periodically, without waiting for the child to scratch. So, you have to be very rigorous with everything. With prevention and treatment. And above all, to know that you have to repeat the treatment one week after having freed the hair of these little intruders.

Even if it seems to us that it is spotless, we must return to the load and repeat the same treatment as if they were still there. With the shampoo and lotion that worked

How Do They Expand?

Adult lice are usually about three millimeters long, grayish or coppery in color, and can live for up to thirty days on a person. Their females can lay up to 300 tiny white eggs, which can be confused with dandruff, especially behind the ears and on the nape of the neck.

To know what we are dealing with, it is essential to remember that the eggs hatch 7 or 10 days after being installed in the hair. From there, the nymph or young louse is born, which is just over a week becomes an adult louse and, therefore, capable of laying new nits. That is why it is essential to get rid of lice and get back on track seven days later. And in the most conflictive cases, repeat even after 14 days.

Another of the many urban legends that circulate about lice, in addition to the one that some spread them in the air and they fly (it is a lie, they cling to the hair and walk very fast but do not fly), is that it is only a matter of kids. Well, that’s not true either.

Any head is suitable for a louse, but they settle more in children, especially at the beginning of the year or during coexistence, because they are more prone to hugging and therefore allowing that contact from one head to another that allows its expansion says by Lice Doctors Gainesville, FL.

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